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Seco Tools
Double-sided Round Inserts Give Seco Cutters Added Value and Performance
Seco Tools has introduced its R217/220.28 cutters with completely new body designs that incorporate double-sided round inserts to deliver cost-effective performance as well as boost productivity. The new insert grade also complements the existing R217/220.29I range. Double-negative-positioning pocket seats of the R217/R220.28 cutters allow for an extra insert per diameter for enhanced cutting capability and significant gains in productivity when compared to the R217/R220.29I. These pocket seats also enable safe and user-friendly indexing to save time and provide trouble-free operation.

The R217/R220.28 performs face milling, slotting and contouring in ISO M and ISO S materials, as well as some difficult-to-machine ISO P materials, such as martensitic stainless steel. It excels in Z-leveling applications and is ideal for machining turbine blades for the aerospace and power generation segments.
The range for R217/220.28 includes diameters from 32 mm to 80 mm in PVD and CVD grades. It is available in two geometries in normal and close pitch versions with an insert size of 12.
For more information on the R217/220.28, please contact a local Seco representative or visit: http://tekinfo.link/r13400a1473