Alps Alpine News

Alps Alpine Launched Compact Haptic Reactor "U-Type"

Alps Alpine has launched the compact Haptic Reactor "U-Type," that achieves approximately 90% size reduction (by volume) compared to its predecessors.

Framo Morat News

Framo Morat Expands Portfolio with FPR Hybrid Components

In collaboration with KIT’s wbk Institute, researchers tested a process for efficient production of lightweight, high-strength hybrid FRP drive elements for industrial use.

Teledyne Gas & Flame Detection


The challenges of hydrogen are many, and the issue of safety will be addressed on the joint Teledyne Gas and Flame Detection and Teledyne Flir stand (T49, Hall 4) at the Hyvolution trade show, January 28th, 29th and 30th, 2025 in Paris, Porte de Versailles, France.

Sigmatek News

SIGMATEK SLAM Navigation in Real Time - New Features

SIGMATEK's real-time localization software SlamLoc revolutionizes the way automated guided vehicle systems and autonomous mobile robots handle changes in their environment using contour-based navigation.

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