Drive components for terrace roofing developed and manufactured in double-quick time
When a made-to-measure slatted roof and wall system for a fully customizable exterior living space is requested at extremely short notice, that's a real challenge!

The Speedy high helix lead screw is manufactured by cold rolling to customer-specific dimensions and now controls the exact positioning of the slats. The thread pitch ratio specified for the solar shading system meant that Eichenberger had to produce 14 mm diameter screw with a 40mm thread pitch, which they successfully achieved. Due to the exceptional 14/40 pitch ratio, the movement is impressively fast. This allows the screw to be rotated extremely slowly. At the same time, it has a positive effect on the vibration behaviour of the overall construction. The screws used to precisely control the movement of the metal slats are 6 m long. When producing corrosion-resistant screw of this length, the art is to achieve true running accuracy and straightness. Another critical issue was posed by the customer-specific injection- moulded nuts. To machine the inside of the plastic nuts supplied by the customer, a specially-adapted tool had to be fabricated in-house. Altogether, 25 nuts run on each 6m screw rod. They move the slats sleekly, robustly, almost soundlessly.
The 40 mm pitch generates a very dynamic repositioning movement. To reach such a high speed, a normal Ø 14 mm trapeze spindle would have to rotate 13 times faster which, considering the critical speed, would be completely out of the question. The smooth rotational movement of the Speedy makes a positive contribution to the stability, wear and noise characteristics.