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Mitsubishi Electric US
Mitsubishi Electric Automation, Inc.’s New Regenerative Converter Recycles Energy and Returns it to the Power Source
The FR-XC Series offers a regenerative alternative to dynamic braking

The energy saving effect presented by the FR-XC Series results in less wiring, smaller enclosures, reduction in power supply capacity, and reduction in facility size by power factor improvements. Used as a replacement to the network of transistors and resistors used in dynamic braking, the FR-XC Series can be used in three different modes of regeneration: dynamic braking regeneration, DC common bus regeneration, and harmonic mitigation (in DC common bus mode only). These modes can be further combined with the FR-XCL, FR-XCB or FR-HAL Series stand-alone reactors, and have different restrictions and applications.
“With the rise in environmental awareness, efficiency standards, and alternative methods for reusable energy, demand for regenerative converters is on the upswing,” said Chris Rhodes, product marketing engineer at Mitsubishi Electric Automation, Inc. “The FR-XC Series offers harmonic suppression and power regeneration in a single solution, lowering energy cost.”
More information about the FR-XC Series is available here: https://us.mitsubishielectric.com/fa/en/products/drive-products/inverters-freqrol/regenerative-converter/frxc/frxcoverview