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Norelem News
Locating pins made from extremely robust, high performance ceramic
Machine and plant constructors profit from a much longer service life in comparison to metal pins.
Rest pads and locating pins have to withstand a lot and should, above all be one thing: extremely robust. Therefore, norelem now also offers these standard parts in an extremely durable high performance ceramic version. They have a much longer service life than pins made of conventional materials.
Less wear, high abrasion resistance, temperature stability and frequency neutrality: These are the advantages of the new locating pins and support pads made of high-performance ceramics. Machine and plant construction profits from this especially – ceramics are becoming increasingly popular in these branches.
Apart from locating pins and rest pads, customers can also find the following high performance ceramic items in the norelem product range: Dowel pins, Parallel keys and Guide bushes.
The locating pins and rest pads are extemely hard wearing because, they are made from the innovative material Cerazur®. Cerazur® is a metal-ceramic compound and therefore extremely impact resistant and very rigid. The basis of this material is zirconium dioxide: The inorganic material is pressed into shape as powder, then milled in green machining and finally sintered. In the final processing stage, the workpieces are ground to their exact standardised dimensions.