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Maple 17 Offers Advanced Solving and Application Development Capabilities
Includes over 400 new commands for mathematical, engineering, and scientific problem-solving

Maplesoft™ today announced a major new release of its flagship product, Maple™, the technical computing software for engineers, mathematicians, and scientists. With Maple 17, Maplesoft introduces more computation tools and a large collection of enhancements dedicated to supporting the creation of applications.
Maple 17 offers numerous advancements in a variety of branches of technical computation that push the frontiers of knowledge and Maple’s capabilities. New functionality includes ground-breaking achievements in solving a whole new class of differential equations, major advancements in solving systems of equations, new signal processing tools, expanded support for physics, statistics, dynamic systems, and more.
Performance has also been enhanced with improvements to frequently called routines and algorithms as well as in the low-level infrastructure of memory management. One example is a new memory manager, which takes advantages of multiple processors to allow computations to run 10% faster on average, with memory-intensive computations running up to 50% faster. With these new abilities, customers can solve more problems, faster, with Maple 17.
While the computation engine forms the heart of Maple’s technology, Maplesoft has always considered the entire user experience to be important, from the first explorations by a new user to the development of powerful applications by experienced customers. Maple 17 introduces further productivity advancements, with special emphasis on application development. Highlights include:
-A new advanced code editor to make algorithm development even easier for more complex applications
-An Embedded Video Component, for adding rich multimedia content to applications
-Improved command completion while using math notation
-Improvements to 2-D and 3-D visualizations
-New programming constructs to make it easier to write multi-threaded code for parallel execution
“Many professional organizations rely on Maple to solve their challenging mathematics-based problems, both directly and as part of the analysis environment of MapleSim™, our advanced system-level modeling tool,” says Dr. Laurent Bernardin, Executive Vice-President and Chief Scientist at Maplesoft. “With Maple 17, customers will have access to more solvers, and even more intuitive environment, and tools to make it even easier to develop their own applications, from interactive calculators to multi-year research projects
“Maple is a crucial part of my toolchain”, says Dr. Peter Waegli, a technology consultant and owner of Dr. P Waegli-Research. “It is a very powerful and comprehensive mathematical engine, with a sophisticated user interface. The new version of Maple promises to build on the product’s solid history of strong computational power and analytical productivity. With new solvers, faster answers, a new signal processing package, and an even more comfortable environment for quick calculations and large-scale code development, I’m confident Maple 17 will continue to amaze me.”
Maple 17 is available in English, with built-in language extensions available for French, Chinese, Spanish, Korean, Greek, Hungarian, and Brazilian Portuguese. A Japanese version of Maple 17 will be available in April.