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Inelta News
Accredited calibration service for force sensors
Inelta Sensorsysteme provides accredited calibration services for force sensors, ensuring constant measurement reliability and precision through regular control and calibration within defined intervals.

The Vypro calibration laboratory is accredited according to European standard ISO/IEC 17025: 2017 by the Slovak accreditation body SNAS for the mechanical measurand force. The calibration service includes both products of own manufacture and third-party products in the measurement range from 0.1kN to 200kN. Tensile and compressive force sensors, ring force sensors, but also bending and shear bars, tension measuring clips and special force sensors are tested.
After checking the calibration capability of the test specimen, it is compared to a standard using an EN ISO 376 conform PP force gauge to correct deviations from the standard. An internationally recognized certificate or factory calibration certificate is issued by Vypro as proof of calibration. Traceability of the sensor calibration is ensured via the serial number.
Furthermore, Vypro performs application-specific calibrations and offers a repair service for DUTs as well as an express service upon request. Detailed information and contact details for the calibration service are available on the company website at: https://www.vypro.de/en/expertise/calibration-service/.