Americans overwhelmingly support thermal imaging screening to enter semi-public and private venues, according to a new survey from FLIR released August 19.
To continue to enable marine sector customers to check their products’ compliance with upcoming international regulations to prevent air pollution from ships, Ricardo has implemented a virtual certification test service. This enables the witnessing agent, customer and its sub-system supplier to observe tests and validate quality checks safely and remotely.
Electrocaloric Cooling: In the EKDM funded research project (Electrocaloric-Diode-Coolingmodule, ger. EKDM), four small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) are working together with a Fraunhofer Institute on the research and development of an electrocaloric solid state cooling module with thermal diodes for cooling in existing and innovative applications.
With the new firmware 2.6, the WLAN 2100 wireless module from Phoenix Contact now also offers WLAN Mesh operating mode in addition to Access Point and Client modes.