Savox News

Savox Communications introduces innovative hearing protection solution for the most demanding environments

Savox Communications, the world-renowned leader in providing mission-critical hearing protection and communication solutions, is happy to announce the latest addition to its acclaimed Noise-Com (NC) 500 series - the Savox NC- 520XP hearing protection headsets.

Develon News

First Global Develon Day Customer Visit to Korea a Great Success

Develon, formerly known as Doosan Construction Equipment, has received a very positive reaction from customers and dealers alike, who attended the brand’s first Global Develon Day in South Korea in late September 2023.

Omniflex News

Guarding Sellafield against radiological contamination

Omniflex has been awarded a contract to provide the radiological surveillance system for Sellafield’s product and residue store retreatment plant.

Delta Electronics

Delta at the Global OCP Summit 2023: Cutting-edge Server Power Solutions to Ensure the Energy Efficiency of AI Data Centers

Delta, a global leader in power and thermal management solutions, just participated in the OCP Global Summit and introduced its ORV3 power shelves and DC-DC converters, both essential solutions to ensure the energy efficiency of the fast-growing AI server segment. These ORV3 power shelves boast 18 kW and 33 kW power output and up to 97.5% energy conversion efficiency while the cutting-edge DC-DC converters deliver smooth conversion of various power voltages with efficiency as high as 98.3%.

Emergent Vision Technologies News

Emergent Vision Technologies Introduces the PACE LR-4KG35 10GigE Line Scan Camera

Emergent Vision Technologies, a pioneer in high-speed GigE Vision cameras and zero-data-loss vision technologies, introduces a new 10GigE line scan camera, the PACE LR-4KG35. Through its 10GigE SFP+ interface, the camera reaches a top single line rate of 172KHz.


Robotic acoustic inspection webinar

In a joint webinar on robotic acoustic inspection, Boston Dynamics and Fluke Process Instruments will show how to improve the energy efficiency of industrial operations through automatic compressed air leak detection by means of the SV600 Fixed Acoustic Imager and the agile mobile robot Spot.

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