We know that the resources of these fossil fuels are finite and, more importantly, that burning them releases greenhouse gases that are a significant part of the climate crisis we face today. Other pollutants are released too, including the particulate matter which constitutes a considerable threat to health, particularly in developing nations.
Researchers at the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft have developed a technology for the energy-efficient and economic separation of hydrogen from natural gas. This membrane technology makes it possible for the two substances to be routed through the national natural gas grid together and then isolated from one another at their final destination. A major step forward in the transportation and distribution of hydrogen as an energy source.
New flange vibration dampers, wire rope vibration dampers, spring vibration dampers and, ideal for applications in industrial, military or naval sectors, are now part of the Elesa+Ganter range.
It is the proverbial thorn in the side of UK manufacturing: the skills gap – a fundamental discrepancy between the skills that employers require in their employees, and the skills that job seekers have.
World’s fastest combinatorial optimization computer suitable for real-time, large-scale, complex problem-solving. Three reference blueprints to facilitate application development by users.
Daqing Drilling Wellservice Engineering Company attends Cummins’ Oil and Gas end-of-year seminar to share their elation with their product and service experience.