PICMG Announces Officers for 2021 - 2022 Term

PICMG, a not-for-profit 501(C) consortium of companies and organizations that collaboratively develop open specifications, held its bi-annual election for officers. The group elected four officers to lead the organization through 2022.

Novotek News

How 2020 has changed manufacturing

2020 is a year that most manufacturers would like to see as an outlier; a year the likes of which should not be seen again.

Kontron News

Hannes Niederhauser, CEO S&T AG, on trends 2021: "New standards accelerate developments for high-performance computing and safety"

Hannes Niederhauser, CEO of S&T AG, has identified five defining trends in the industry for the coming year: Predictive Maintenance, High Performance Computing/AI, 5G and 10G-PON, Functional Safety and the SDC standard in the medical sector.

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