Maximum flexibility with optimized Carton Wheel Flow
Sant'Antonino - Interroll’s new Carton Wheel Flow beds are designed for simple installation with dramatically reduced mounting time. On top of that, the pick-to- light-system can be now easily placed.

Image: Dramatically reduced mounting time and easy to use for pick-to-light-systems: Interroll’s new carton flow bed.
Interroll has revised the bed frame design of its Carton Wheel Flow solution and more than halved the quantity of profile necessary to cover all references of beds. Loading support, unloading support, side frame and intermediate beam now require only a single profile each. The same profile can be used as loading support and end stop for drop out tray versions. Plastic clips are no longer needed. The new design of the loading and unloading support allows a “flush” mounting method in order to fix a pick-to-light-system in a “continuous way”, boosting the pick rate per hour.
Slope adjustment is getting easier, too: All drop out trays—in the 5°,10° and now also the 15° version—can be mounted in a single side frame, making frame interruption a thing of the past. Customization of the bed frames is very simple as the frame can be cut in length to fit any rack design.
With fewer parts to fix and clipless mounting, assembly time for the new carton flow system has been reduced by 30 percent on average, thereby also reducing overall project costs. Instead of a clip, the new universal connector fits all racking types and solidly connects the parts with a new clamp to facilitate bed installation or slope adjustment.
Full Performance with a market-leading time-saving and easy-to use solution
Mounting is also flexible in width: A new clamp allows a wider tolerance for racking clear entry of +/-20 mm instead of +/-5 mm for the same bed width. A new entry guide can be mounted tool-free and with no screws required, making adjustments easy. End caps are now optional with one single design fitting two different profile supports. As a patented solution unique in the market, the “connection” of the loading and unloading supports the side frame, whose profile is now thinner, but higher. The intermediate beams are now integrated in the side frame and adjusted to the bed width. The new design requires only a minimum of fixation points and saves time during assembly.
With a maximum load of 150 kg/m², all standard applications in the market are covered. Deep-freeze applications are possible as well. The unique Floway 2 track from Interroll remains valid for this new bed frame with all well-known advantages.
The Carton Wheel Flow solution is available in various widths (up to 3,600 mm) and depths (up to 5,500 mm for configurable versions and up to 12,000 mm for engineered solutions) to meet all requirements of common racking systems.
Press contact
Martin Regnet
Global PR Manager
Interroll (Schweiz) AG
Via Gorelle 3 | 6592 Sant'Antonino | Switzerland
+41 91 850 25 21
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Kettering Northants NN15 6NL | England
Charlotte Murdoch
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