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Experiencing material handling first-hand
Barcelona, xx xx 2017. A new showroom for the customers in Spain exhibits Interroll’s state-of-the art solution portfolio. Spain’s fast growing community of Interroll customers and end users can also look forward to a major upgrade of the customer service in the country.

Along with the expansion comes also a major upgrade of the customer service in the country. Now XX engineers/technicians will service Interroll products on a newly created service workshop that comprises XX square meters in total. With the new workshop area, service times for customers in Spain and Portugal will be further reduced in future. The service range will cover product A,B and C.
“The Spanish market is developing rapidly both in terms size and technological level” says Ramón Rovira,
General Manager of Interoll Spain. “With our new showroom and service workshop we invite our Spanish customers to experience best-in-class material handling technology in action along with the reliability of our excellent service over the whole product lifetime.”

Picture: Interroll has opened a new showroom and service area in Barcelona
Martin Regnet
Interroll (Schweiz) AG
Global PR Manager
Via Gorelle 3 │ 6592 Sant'Antonino │ Switzerland
+41 91 850 25 21
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