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VERLINDE SA certified ISO 14001 – 2004
At its Vernouillet, France, production plant, Verlinde SA has introduced an environmental management system in compliance with standard ISO14001-2004.

-integration of environmental criteria as early as product design and manufacture,
-reduction of consumption of energy and natural resources,
-control of technological risks and accidental pollution involving industrial activity,
-technological watch in respect of processes available to industry aimed at waste prevention and the recycling of waste in all its forms,
-reduction of waste and water-borne and airborne pollutants generated by industrial activity,
-policy of communication targeting personnel, suppliers and subcontractors.
ISO14001-2004 certification, obtained in 2008, is the result of a strong approach to sustainable development and is written into the industrial group's program of excellence.
In accordance with this commitment, the Eurochain VR hoist, a new product in the Verlinde range, integrated green ideas and strategies from the outset. Environmentally designed, it is equipped with low energy consumption electric motors and is made of metals suitable for recycling (aluminium or cast iron). It also complies with European directive RohS and contains no environmentally dangerous substance.