
New Stainless Steel Dzus® Panex Quarter

Turn Fastener From Southco Withstands Corrosion and Heat

New Stainless Steel Dzus® Panex Quarter
Southco’s® stainless steel DZUS® D8 Panex Quarter-Turn Fastener is the newest line extension to the already successful DZUS® D8 Panex range of quarter-turn fasteners. The stainless steel version delivers the same quick access and fast installation as the standard D8, but enables dependable, vibration-resistant fastening in harsh environments where heat and corrosion may affect operation.

The durable, formed stainless steel construction of the DZUS® D8 provides aesthetic appeal as well as increased total material thickness (TMT) tolerance for robust fastening. Available in size 6 with slotted, hex and Phillips recessed head styles, and complementary mini clip-on and rivet-on receptacle options. The stainless steel DZUS® D8 is compatible with variety of installation needs.

Product Manager Ben Goater adds, “Southco’s stainless steel DZUS® D8 Panex Quarter-Turn Fastener combines flexible styling with fast repeatable access for vibration-resistant, intuitive operation.”

For more information about Southco’s complete line of DZUS® Quarter-Turn Fasteners, please visit www.southco.com/dzus or e-mail the 24/7 customer service department at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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