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IFM News
ifm roadshow – Taking the ifm truck across Europe
For one year ifm has used the ifm truck. During this time the truck has already made stops in five European countries.

Because of Corona it has stood still for 4 months now. What is the next step for the moving exhibition stand?
Since August 2019, the ifm truck has been travelling through Europe and has since made stops at more than 25 locations in various European countries.
With its unique design, the truck is a real eye-catcher during customer visits, open house events, conferences and even trade fairs.
The exhibition space of the truck can be extended to up to 40 square metres thanks to two extensions. The truck interior consists of two floors. While ifm products are presented on the lower floor, the upper floor (18 square metres) serves as an event room in which 15 guests can take part in training courses.
Before Corona
In August 2019, the European tour of the ifm group started. In September, the exceptional vehicle travelled abroad for the first time: Over the course of two weeks, the truck made eight stops in Sweden before continuing its tour of the Czech Republic in early October, including a short stopover at BMW Regensburg. For six days, it could be admired at the "MSV Volna Plocha" fair.
"The arrival of the ifm truck at BMW was a true premiere: It was the first time that such a truck stood on the company premises and could be visited. This was also proven by the many pictures that were taken of the unusual vehicle. So it definitely attracts attention", says a Global Key Account Manager for Automotive Industry & Machine Tools.
From the Czech Republic, the truck drove on to Italy, where it presented the company innovatively at six different events and shows. When ifm Poland participated in the "Warsaw Industry Week" for the first time in November 2019, the truck served as a the perfect exhibition stand and attracted a lot of attention.
Four months of interruption due to Corona - and now?
The truck's tour was to continue in 2020 as well, but due to Corona this has not been possible for four months so far. It was planned that ifm would use the truck until May 2021. But this time is now extended by the time the truck could not be used.
Provided that the relaxation of the restrictions is maintained, normal operation of the truck should be restarted in the course of this year.