

Cummins Inc. today introduced the first set of Centum Series generators with a virtual event. These new generator sets are engineered to meet customers’ precise power needs with high-efficiency engines that fit in a smaller footprint.


Provide the flexibility to deliver precise power in a smaller footprint while meeting evolving sustainability standards

With the Centum Series, a user specifies exactly the needed power — no more, no less. The Centum Series is a high-performance, high-power density system that delivers the power users need in a smaller footprint, enabling them to hit performance specifications without being required to buy more than needed.

The first release in this evolving generator series, the Centum C1250D6E / C1500D6E generator set, which was unveiled today, includes:

  • QSK38 engine and S Series alternator delivers superior power efficiency in a smaller footprint
  • Compact design enables ease of installation, service, and maintenance
  • Robust transient performance and high altitude/ambient performance
  • Meet U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards for Tier 2 up to Tier 4 compliant
  • Unmatched onboard diagnostics tools allow easy operation and serviceability
  • A standard three-year warranty and global availability of technicians, parts and engineering support

“Centum Series generators represent a significant shift in the Cummins approach to power system design, offering next-level flexibility, efficiency and sustainability,” said Kunj Sheth, Global Marketing Director — Mission Critical, Cummins. “The Centum Series brings needed power density while reducing installation, fuel and maintenance costs. Centum, the Latin word for ‘one hundred,’ represents the century of Cummins Power Generation that precedes us, and the company’s vision for the next 100 years.”

As emissions standards throughout the world become increasingly rigid, Centum Series generators have been designed with an eye on future standards to help users meet sustainability goals. They have the flexibility to meet or exceed emissions regulations without sacrificing performance. Centum Series generators can be configured to run on diesel fuel, low-emissions diesel and biodiesels such as hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO).

Every Centum Series generator is designed, built, installed and serviced by Cummins for rock-solid dependability and a seamless system integration. Every consumable and replacement part is built to fit perfectly, vastly simplifying routine maintenance and repairs.

The Centum Series C1250D6E / C1500D6E will be showcased in booth #617 at the American Society for Healthcare Engineering (AHSE) 2022 Annual Conference & Technical Exhibition in Boston, from July 17 to 20.

For more information on Cummins Centum Series generators, go here.

Virtual event


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