FEV News

FEV opens state-of-the-art laboratory for customized battery systems and cells in Aachen, Germany

The state-of-the-art facility will focus on analysis and benchmarking of battery cells regarding performance, lifetime and safety behavior as well as enabling cell developments.

FEV opens state-of-the-art laboratory for customized battery systems and cells in Aachen, Germany

FEV opens state-of-the-art laboratory for customized battery development at Aachen site

The cell is a key component for the performance of battery systems and thus crucial for the success of electric vehicles and applications. That’s why it is of great importance to understand the composition and behavior of the wide variety of battery cells in detail,” said Dr. Michael Stapelbroek, Vice President Electric Powertrain at FEV.

Through cell disassembly and analyses, production of prototype cells, safety tests as well as in-depth material analyses, which is all offered by the lab, it will be possible to perform a detailed evaluation of the battery cells. This includes, among other things, performance, service life, safety behavior, internal structure and material composition for battery system design, cell design and cell simulation.

FEV accelerates development of battery systems
This range of competencies and the related advancement of the cell database can considerably accelerate and secure the development process of battery systems. The new lab also ideally extends the existing competencies of FEV's battery cell test benches in Munich and France, which are focused on electrical cell characterization.

In parallel, FEV's battery cell database provides an always up-to-date and comprehensive overview of, e.g., relevant storage technologies and standard specifications for decision making.

The services of the new laboratory at a glance

  • In-depth analysis and evaluation of battery cells and their materials for various applications
  • Investigation of the safety behavior of the battery cell in the event of abuse, using a high-performance calorimeter developed in-house (usable, for particularly large battery cells, safety standard tests and complex analyses of the thermal runaway of battery cells)
  • Battery cell openings and analysis of the structure and processing of all battery cell components
  • Characterization of battery materials in terms of chemical composition, processing and electrochemical behavior (e.g. performance and lifetime)
  • Installation of laboratory cells for the investigation of battery cells and their components for cell and system development
  • Characterization and validation of the electrical behavior (performance and lifetime) of the battery cell
  • Support of battery system development projects by internal generation of relevant data
  • Thanks to this range of services, FEV's customers benefit from tailored solutions for sustainable mobility as well as shorter development times at lower costs.


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