New all-round service for measuring and test instruments
Launching the METRACHECK service package, the GMC Instruments Group has introduced a new product to create added value for its customers.

The METRACHECK package is offered by GMC-I Service GmbH, an affiliate of Gossen Metrawatt. It is available for Gossen Metrawatt test instruments from the SECUTEST ST, SECULIFE ST, PROFITEST M and PROFITEST MF series. There is a choice of four variants with terms of 24, 36, 48 or 60 months. The all-round service ensures preferential processing with short turnaround times for repair and calibration.
This ensures that the instruments are ready for use again quickly and always up to date, enabling legally secure and standards-compliant test sequences. Downtimes are reduced, among other things, by the elimination of cost approval procedures, and the equipment’s service life is extended. METRACHECK can be booked directly with new devices as an add-on or purchased for existing devices, provided that the instrument was purchased within the corresponding service period.
The instrument is sent to GMC-I Service GmbH with proof of purchase and the purchased service voucher. The service term starts on the date of purchase of the test instrument. The METRACHECK service includes DAkkS accredited calibrations, DGUV test certificates, repairs, firmware updates, free replacement of defective buffer batteries and battery packs as well as final testing according to manufacturer’s specifications.
Returns are post-paid throughout the EU. The package includes an IZYCHECK.IQ Premium license to save device status, test certificates, documentation as well as maintenance and calibration intervals on the cloud portal and ensure their secure accessibility at any time. Detailed information about the new service offer is available here.