
Technical Report - On Safe Paths

The RSL 400 safety laser scanner not only ensures that automated guided vehicles (AGVs) are operated safely by means of protective and warning fields, but it also simultaneously captures the measurement values for the navigation software


20–30% longer tool life

​HIPIMS indexable inserts optimise Walter fir tree cutters.

NORD Drivesystems

NORD at LogiMAT 2019: Greater flexibility for intralogistics

At LogiMAT 2019 in Stuttgart from 19 to 21 February 2019, NORD DRIVESYSTEMS will present decentralised and innovative drive solutions for digital, modular intralogistic systems.

NORD Drivesystems

NORD DRIVESYSTEMS at the Tire Technology 2019

At Tire Technology 2019 in Hannover from 5 to 7 March 2019, NORD DRIVESYSTEMS will present safe and efficient drive solutions for the tyre industry. Among other products, the North German drive specialists will be showing its LogiDrive systems, special extruder flanges and the NORD SK TU4-PNS PROFIsafe interface module.

NORD Drivesystems

NORD DRIVESYSTEMS drive solutions for the agriculture industry

The Grain Tech Expo will be held in Kiev from 19 to 21 February 2019. In the Ukraine, the agriculture industry is an important branch of the economy with a corresponding need for conveyor equipment for grain, pulses, oil seed and fertiliser. NORD DRIVESYSTEMS energy efficient drive concepts for bulk materials make a major contribution to efficient operation of conveyor belts, screw conveyors, trough chain conveyors and elevators in the agriculture sector.


ASPEED exhibits Cupola360 at MWC19, world’s most advanced Spherical Image Processor for 360-degree Cameras

Capitalizing on the global trend of 360-degree imaging, ASPEED Technology Inc., the world’s largest BMC (Baseboard Management Controller) SoC provider, is pleased to announce at MWC19 Barcelona the Cupola360 solutions, world’s advanced Spherical Image Processor specifically designed for 360-degree Camera, as well as the accompanying apps, which cemented the company as the pioneer and leader in state-of-the-art 360-degree system solutions.

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