As of September 1, 2023, Johanna Alkberg has been appointed Vice President Enterprise IT. Johanna will also become a member of the Seco Management Group, reporting to Stefan Steenstrup, President Seco.
German Fraunhofer Research Institution for Battery Cell Production FFB and Swiss technology company Bühler Group are taking their collaboration to new heights. Fraunhofer FFB has been operating Bühler’s technology for continuous mixing of battery slurry since 2021.
Parker Hannifin, the global leader in motion and control technologies, has introduced two new ranges of AC inverter drives that meet the latest requirements for the industrial market.
Southco continues to expand its rotary latch portfolio with new versions that can enable electronic actuation and provide an electronic door status signal.
Meltio, - a disruptive wire-laser metal deposition additive manufacturing technology (DED) leader - has today taken a giant leap towards facilitating the use of its unique metal 3D printing solutions.
Due to the clear focus on sustainability, Seco has appointed the Head of Sustainability, Maria Blomqvist as Vice President Sustainability & EHS as of July 10, 2023. Maria has also become a member of the Seco Management Group, and will continue to report to Stefan Steenstrup, President Seco.