Maxon Motor News

Parvalux by Maxon Hires Keller Industrial Products, Inc

Parvalux is providing components and systems to OEMs worldwide in industrial automation, materials handling, and building automation.

Bunting europe News

Metal Recovery Solutions at E-Waste World Conference 2023

Bunting is focusing on technology that maximises metal recovery and purity to ensure economic viability of recycling e-waste, which is the focus of their stand at the E-Waste World Conference & Expo.

Voith News

SCA relies on latest digitalization and lifecycle management solutions from Voith and BTG along the entire paper machine to save resources

SCA is successfully utilizing Voith's digital and automation solutions with the aim of optimizing the production efficiency of its new XcelLine PM 2. Last year, the leading full-line supplier Voith successfully commissioned the paper machine at its Obbola site.

Phoenix Contact News

Passive analog inputs for four-wire measuring transducers

The new AI8 P analog input modules from Phoenix Contact each offer eight passive channels for connecting a two-wire connection to transmit the process variable.

Rohde & Schwarz

Rohde & Schwarz presents first automated solution to speed up PCIe 5.0 and 6.0 cable and connector compliance testing

For precise and time-saving compliance testing of the latest generation PCIe 5.0 and 6.0 cables and connectors in line with PCI-SIG specifications, Rohde & Schwarz is developing a new R&S ZNrun vector network analyzer automation suite option.

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