The edgeConnector products and the edgeAggregator from Softing Industrial offer a range of functionalities in version 3.40 that make integration into IT solutions much easier.
Mitsubishi Electric will highlight sweet spots for its smart solutions in the food packaging industry with a range of chocolate-filled demos at Interpack 2023 in Hall 6, Stand A40. From 4th-10th May, visitors will be able to learn how the company’s motto ‘Automating the World’ can be applied to drive the productivity and competitiveness of the consumer packaged goods (CPGs) sector.
ViewSonic Corp., a leading global provider of visual and education technology (EdTech solutions), has revealed the latest iteration of UNIVERSE by ViewSonic the virtual learning platform at the BETT Show 2023 (British Educational Training and Technology Show), with the immersive 3D platform now incorporating subject-specific Thematic Classrooms and class performance metrics for educators.
Aerotech will demonstrate high-dynamic, high-throughput galvo scanning with a gantry, IFOV and Automation1 controller at the Dublin National Manufacturing & Supply Chain Exhibition.
Antaira Technologies has launched an industrial dual-radio wireless LAN access point optimized with added router capabilities that securely extends connectivity to the ever-growing number of WiFi devices deployed on high-density plant floors.
Among the challenges the logistics and intralogistics industry faces are the increasing demand for energy efficiency, sustainability, labor shortages, and cybersecurity threats.