Rolls-Royce Power Systems AG News

Rolls-Royce provides mtu trigeneration plant for largest data center in Romania

Rolls-Royce, along with its distributor partner Knopf & Wallisch (K&W), has supplied three mtu customized and containerized combined cooling, heat and power plant (CCHP) trigeneration units to Romanian cloud service provider ClusterPower. They will be used for the efficient and sustainable energy supply at its new technology campus near the southern Romanian city of Craiova, where the IT company will open the largest data center in Romania.

Sps Mesago News

SPS 2022 Scheduled in the First Half of November

This year’s SPS will be held in Nuremberg, Germany, from 08 - 10 November 2022, two weeks earlier than in previous years. This gives the entire industry planning certainty in respect of the leading exhibition for smart and digital automation in these pandemic times.

GE News

GE Renewable Energy to refurbish generators at the historic Long Lake Hydroelectric Power Plant

GE Renewable Energy signed a Service contract with Avista Utilities, a US energy utility serving four northwestern states, to modernize four generator units at the Long Lake hydropower plant in the U.S. Upon completion of the refurbishment project, the facility will have an installed capacity exceeding 100 MW. This amount of energy is sufficient to meet the demand for electricity of approximately 80,000 homes.

Stromag News

Fast reacting Stromag brakes ready for Hinkley Point C nuclear power plant

A key component of the UK Government’s net zero emissions strategy, two new nuclear reactors at Hinkley Point C are currently under construction by EDF Energy. Stromag has supported the project by delivering specialised brakes for multiple cranes at the site, including those that will lift radioactive uranium fuel rods from the very heart of the reactors.

Bunting europe News

Metal Recovery from Aluminium Dross

An aluminium dross processing plant in the Middle East has purchased an Eddy Current Separator, Drum Magnet and ElectroStatic Separator to recover the valuable metal. The separation equipment was designed and built by Bunting at their Redditch manufacturing facility in the United Kingdom.

Ametek News

New Phantom S991 Machine Vision High-Speed Camera From Vision Research Provides Extreme Throughput with New Fiber Technology

The Phantom S991 employs CoaXPress-over-Fiber technology to deliver up to 9 Gpx/sec (70 Gbps). This throughput translates to over 900 frames per second (fps) at a full 9 Mpx resolution of 4096 x 2304 and over 52,000 fps at lower resolutions, including 2304 x 16.

Heidenhain News

Intelligent solutions for demanding applications: encoders for every motion system at the HEIDENHAIN virtual trade show for automation

A virtual trade show for automation will exhibit new solutions for robotics, medical technology, elevators, and more from HEIDENHAIN and its brands AMO, ETEL, NUMERIK JENA, RENCO, and RSF. Discover ultra-compact encoders and encoders with added functionality, offering numerous benefits especially in low-space applications.

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