We are pleased to announce a new collaboration for the Italian market that will make the Tesmec Group's offer even more complete according to the principles of digital innovation and new business models.
CATI, TriMech, Javelin, and Purple Platypus are experienced additive manufacturing partners who will offer ExOne’s entry-level metal 3D printing technology and related services, equipment and consumables across more than 60 offices.
Watlow®, an industry leader in the design and manufacture of complete thermal systems, introduces its new HELIMAX ultra-efficient electric heat exchanger with Continuous Helical Flow Technology, which helps reduce the coking and fouling typically associated with standard heat exchangers. Diminishing the coking and fouling rates can minimize heat exchanger maintenance intervals ultimately reducing downtime.
ViewSonic Corp., a leading global provider of visual and educational solutions, and National Kaohsiung Normal University (NKNU) today announced their productive achievements in the “Innovative Remote Teaching and Technology Hands-on Courses” program
The new energy paradigm calls for the revitalisation of the power infrastructure, changing the architecture of energy networks and introducing new equipment and new policies. These are needed to accommodate the differences in the way electricity is generated from renewable energy sources.
The Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems IPMS in Dresden has been developing robust, reliable and versatile ultrasonic sensors for many years.
With increased competition, often on a global scale, manufacturers need to differentiate themselves by tailoring products more closely to customer demand. This, of course, carries with it an implicit reduction in batch sizes and has seen the rise of ‘high-mix, low-volume production. Cobots can enable manufacturers to effectively meet individual customer requirements with greater product variety in smaller batches. Oliver Giertz, Product Manager for Servo/Motion and robotics for the EMEA region at Mitsubishi Electric, Factory Automation, explains how collaborative robots are helping manufacturers to increase flexibility, boost quality, and drive down operational costs.
With key industry names to complement the expertise of Rohde & Schwarz in testing and improving the quality of mobile networks, the MNT Forum 2021 will be a platform for knowledge and insights around the latest challenges and developments in the industry. In its 10th edition, Rohde & Schwarz will host this long-established event in 2021 in a digital format.