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Bürkert Fluid Control Systems
Bürkert and ReseaTech join forces
Bürkert Fluid Control Systems has been known for its unique competencies in the measurement and control technology for many years. Bürkert’s components and systems have helped clients to successfully measure and dose smallest amounts of liquids all around the world and in virtually all industries. The exact dosing of small amounts for liquids is also the realm of ReseaTech, which was founded as a spin-off of the University of Applied Sciences Bern in 2015. The start-up company is a leader in micro dosing technology and provides micro dispensing valves and fast flow sensors capable of measuring minute amounts of liquid starting at only 50nl.

The technologies and products of ReseaTech can be found in numerous applications in the analysis and biotechnology sector as well as in industrial applications. General regulatory conditions are becoming stricter and increasingly require the monitoring and documentation of dosed liquid volumes. At the same time, the volumes to be dosed are becoming smaller and smaller and the requirements for accuracy are increasing.
Bürkert and ReseaTech have already cooperated on several client-specific projects, successfully bundling their competences in micro dosing to offer integrated solutions to the client. Combining ReseaTech’s flow sensors with the fluid control competence of Bürkert has enabled the two partners to create innovative and technologically leading solutions with measurable added value.
To substantiate the long-term orientation of their business relationship, Bürkert has now become a strategic partner of ReseaTech. ReseaTech will continue to be led by its management team and remains fully independent. All ongoing business relationships and projects remain unaffected by the investment and will continue in the usual form.
The growth financing due to the entry of Bürkert provides ReseaTech with means for further developing both the company and the technology as well as expanding production. In addition, the alliance with Bürkert gives ReseaTech access to a broad, global market as well as an experienced, competent development partner for system solutions – ideal prerequisites for a common journey. For Bürkert, the partnership with ReseaTech is in line with the company’s strategy and represents an important step towards technological leadership. “We are happy that with ReseaTech we have found a partner who helps us to immediately offer complete high-precision control loops also in microfluidics”, says Bürkert CEO Heribert Rohrbeck on the decision to join forces with the Swiss company.