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Inelta News
Standardized calibration service from Inelta for force sensors
Even when using high-quality force sensors, environmental and operating conditions can still result in aging of the sensors and cause the measurement values to drift. Therefore, force sensors used for applications that require a high level of measurement precision should be calibrated on an annual basis in accordance with EN ISO 376.

The sensor manufacturer Inelta is now also offering this type of calibration service for users of products from other manufacturers.
The Inelta Group has its own accredited testing laboratory certified in accordance with EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017. The sensor specialist is thus able to provide its force sensors with all of the required factory calibration and other calibration certificates and can also carry out recalibrations at the company. On request, Inelta can now also calibrate and certify third party products with measurement ranges from 0.1 kN to 200 kN.

Measurement ranges and parameters for the calibration service from Inelta
Application know-how is key
The reliability of a measurement solution not only depends on the use of robust sensor technology, but also on specific design features of the selected sensor models, their application-specific configuration, and correct placement. That is why Inelta, as a specialist in industrial sensor technology, supports its customers with comprehensive application know-how, in-depth advice and, where required, also carries out custom-fit modifications to its products.