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De Dietrich Germany
AMS certification awarded to competence center in Mainz for glass equipment and process systems
Work safety excellence at De Dietrich Process Systems

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Hamburg/Mainz. The Occupational Safety and Health Management System of De Dietrich Process Systems GmbH was audited by the German Social Accident Insurance Institution VBG, and in February 2017 was certified as compliant with "AMS- Arbeitsschutz mit System" for the first time. On 17 March 2017, Georg Kämer, Prevention Manager at VBG Mainz, presented the certificate to Dr. Michael Blumbach, Director of Glass Products at De Dietrich Process Systems.
The chemical plant equipment manufacturer adopted a quick method of hazard assessment in its factory. When necessary, employees verify with the aid of a check-list shortly before starting work, that the workplace meets all the occupational safety criteria. Cases of near accident are also analysed and discussed in an Occupational Safety Committee. The goal is to eliminate any potential danger points.
"We want to continuously improve occupational safety in a structured and sustained manner, and reduce the number of work-related accidents and near accidents", declared Dr. Michael Blumbach. "The AMS certification also lets our employees, customers and visitors understand the importance of occupational safety." Georg Krämer, emphasises the other benefits of AMS certification:
"Audited occupational safety, but above all its everyday practise, is a real competitive advantage. Organised work and health safety creates trust and makes a company attractive to job applicants."
The VBG is a regulatory accident insurance company and insures over one million companies throughout Germany in more than 100 sectors, from architecture firms to temporary employment agencies. The mission of VBG is guided by two core objectives: firstly, the prevention of industrial accidents and occupational illnesses and secondly, a rapid and competent response to damage claims, to optimally support the recovery of the insured person. Approximately 480,000 accidents or cases of occupational illness are registered by VBG each year. They support insured persons with the goal of making it possible for them to return to work and participate in community life. 2,400 VBG employees, in eleven locations in Germany, take care of their customers' needs. VBG training courses on Work Safety and Health Protection are also held in six training centers.
More information: www.vbg.de. Please send a publication copy for our records.
Production of the biggest glass bottle in the world at De Dietrich Process System in Mainz.