Flexxbotics News

Flexxbotics Presents Robot Compatibility with Hexagon In-line Inspection Equipment at Sixth Sense Summit

Flexxbotics, delivering workcell digitalization for robot-driven manufacturing, today announced it will present robot connectivity compatible with the entire range of Hexagon inspection products at Hexagon’s Sixth Sense Summit being conducted at the CodeNode innovation center in Central London.

Delta Electronics

Delta Honored with Double A-List Ratings by CDP for the Third Time for its Substantial Contribution to Climate Change and Water Security

Delta Electronics, Inc. (“Delta”), a global provider of IoT-based Smart Green Solutions, today announced it has achieved double "A" scores in the 2023 Climate Change and Water Security reports of CDP for the third time. This year’s double “A” score was granted to only 61 companies out of over 21,000 worldwide based on their superior contribution to climate change and water security challenges. Delta’s recent key climate change and water security endeavors include: the implementation of an internal carbon pricing (ICP) mechanism since 2021 to accelerate carbon reduction initiatives, the successful 13.5% YoY reduction in its Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions*, the increase in the proportion of renewable electricity used in its global operations to 63%**, and the reduction in its water withdrawal and water discharge by over 4% YoY***.

Inmoco News

Specifying a position sensor for safety requirements

In a motion system, position sensors can be crucial to ensure safety. Gerard Bush, engineer at motion specialist INMOCO, explains.

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