NORD Drivesystems

NORD gearmotors help to improve aperitif quality

TMCI Padovan supplied to a known italian producer of flavoured drinks an award-winning Dynamos machine provided with NORD gearmotors. The machine is targeted to the final processing of the grounds resulting from the cross flow filtration of vermouth-base wines and from clarifications with decolorizing carbon.


Fastener Express: effective rapid prototyping concept

Fastener Express closes the gap between development and regular production. With its Fastener Express method, for the first time Arnold Umformtechnik offers designers an end-to-end concept that allows highly complex fastener components and precision parts to be developed quickly as prototypes and manufactured later as production-ready parts with the same technical properties and cost-effectiveness for large volume production.

Morgan Advanced Materials

Morgan Advanced Materials introduces Syncarb Z2 e2 crucible

The Molten Metal Systems business of Morgan Advanced Materials, has further extended its acclaimed Syncarb Z2 crucible family with the introduction of a new crucible designed to provide longer service life and increased energy savings for customers in the aluminium processing industry.


Belgium Metal workshops are fitted out with Verlinde overhead cranes.

Belgium Metal, backed by 20 years of operations in the steel frame and boiler market, moved to brand new premises in 2011 on the Plenesses Industrial Zone at Thimisther-Clermont in Liege province, Eastern Belgium. The company has a well-filled order book due to the much varied industrial potential of Wallonia and has now started operations in Northern France, Luxemburg and Flanders. Verlinde overhead cranes working in Belgium Metal workshops contribute significantly to manufacturing efficacy.

NORD Drivesystems

Paving the way through London’s soft core Conveyor drives for rapid transit tunnel construction in central London

The metropolis London is currently adding a new East-West rapid transit connection with a length of more than 100 km to its much-frequented public transport network. For this major project, 21 km of new tunnels are being bored in the city center alone. The soil here mainly consists of soft clay with a sticky consistency that makes the transport of excavated material especially challenging. H+E Logistik and NORD DRIVESYSTEMS, two German industry specialists, are supplying suitable conveying technology including geared motors.


Rolling out the range for industry in Russia

Verlinde participated in the Cranes Fair in Moscow from 19 to 21 June 2013 with the aim of marketing its whole range of lifting equipment and products for industry on a local basis.

HMS Industrial Networks AB

IXXAT CAN repeaters reduce wiring costs and increase system reliability

HMS Industrial Networks now launches a range of CAN repeaters under the IXXAT brand. These well-proven products enable coupling of two or more CAN network segments, provide them with galvanic isolation, and eliminate the effects of EMI (Electromagnetic Interference).



SIFCO Applied Surface Concepts (ASC), a world leading supplier of selective plating technology and solutions has achieved accreditation for chemical processing to AC7108 for the aerospace sector.

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