GE News

GE’s g3 technology accelerates Denmark’s decarbonization efforts

GE Renewable Energy’s Grid Solutions business has been awarded a contract from Energinet, owner, operator, and developer of transmission systems for electricity and natural gas in Denmark, for 31 SF6-free gas-insulated substation bays.

GE’s g3 technology accelerates Denmark’s decarbonization efforts
  • GE has been awarded a contract from Energinet for two F35g 145 kV SF₆-free g3 gas-insulated substations.
  • g3 substations will be installed at the Amagerværket (AMV) and Vigerslev Koblingsstation (VIK) substations, both in Copenhagen.
  • Upon completion, AMV will have 22 bays making it the largest gas-insulated substation installation using GE’s g3 gas at the 145 kV level worldwide.

These bays, to be installed at the Amagerværket and Vigerslev Koblingsstation substations in Copenhagen, will reinforce this city’s electrical grid to support its steadily increasing population growth and electrification agenda.

Based on its mission to ensure that the Danish energy system and grids are “prepared for a future with 100% renewable energy”, Energinet selected GE’s industry-leading g³ (pronounced “g”- cubed) gas as a game-changing alternative to SF6—a potent greenhouse gas. GE’s g³ gas has a global warming potential of about 99% less compared to SF6. Moreover, g³ products have a significantly improved life cycle assessment compared with SF6 products and other alternatives.

The project scope includes the delivery of two ready-to-operate 145 kV F35g double busbar gas-insulated substations using GE’s g³ alternative insulating and switching gas. With 22 bays, AMV will be the largest substation installation using g3 GIS at the 145 kV level to date. The VIK substation will consist of 9 bays.

To date, a total of three Danish utilities—Energinet, Cerius, and Radius Elnet— have installed GE’s g³ products on their electrical grids. It’s a further step forward in Denmark’s plans to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 70% in 20301 and become a resource-efficient economy entirely independent of fossil fuels by 20502. To support its greenhouse gas policy, Denmark has imposed a high tax of €577 per kg on SF63, making GE’s g³ products even more attractive to its transmission and distribution system operators.

“Utility operators in Denmark are very aware of their environmental footprint and the impact it has on their communities and the world around them,” “And they aren’t alone. Today, more than 30 leading electrical utilities from 13 European countries and South Korea have already adopted GE’s g3 products for their high voltage networks, avoiding the addition of more than a million tons of CO₂ equivalent to the grid. That’s the equivalent of removing about half a million petrol cars from the road for one year," said Eric Chaussin, Senior Executive High Voltage Products Division Leader at GE’s Grid Solutions.

A report from the EU Commission concluded that fluoronitrile-based gas mixtures—such as g3 gas—may be the only insulating and switching gas alternative to SF6 when space is a constraint, such as in urban areas. That’s because fluoronitrile-based gas products feature the same compactness and performance as traditional SF6 equipment, unlike other SF6-free solutions.

GE’s g3 gas-insulated products are currently available for live-tank circuit-breakers and GIS up to 145 kV, as well as dual gas-insulated lines (GIL) up to 420 kV. Additionally, in March 2022, GE unveiled the world’s first 420 kV, 63 kA g³ GIS circuit-breaker prototype. For more information on GE’s high-voltage g³ substation equipment and product roadmap, visit our website.


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