Bonfiglioli News

Bonfiglioli-Novotic: co-design for the transformation towards smart manufacturing

Bonfiglioli was one of the protagonists of Autodesk Future of Making, a day dedicated to manufacturing market professionals organized by Autodesk, world leader in the supply of software and 3D services dedicated to the design of innovative industrial systems.

Siemens News

California ISO and Siemens Go Live with New EMS Platform Based on Spectrum Power 7

Siemens announced that the California Independent System Operator (ISO) has launched its Spectrum PowerTM 7 Energy Management System (EMS) platform, offering a highly sophisticated system that will enhance grid reliability for much of California and a portion of Nevada.

Sandvik Coromant News

Microfactory driving Local Motors

Additive manufactured tools and a revolutionary production model are helping bring electric vehicle automaker Local Motors nearer to its vision of a cleaner, more sustainable future.

Ametek News

Creaform Launches HandySCAN AEROPACK for the Aerospace Industry

Creaform, a worldwide leader in portable and automated 3D measurement solutions, announced today the release of HandySCAN AEROPACK, a 3D scanning solution suite that addresses the specific challenges of aircraft quality control, such as assessing damage from hailstorms or aircraft incidents as well as flap and spoiler inspections.

ST News

Complete USB Type-C Port-Protection IC from STMicroelectronics Simplifies Connectivity Upgrade for Mass-Market Devices

Designers can easily migrate small electronic devices from legacy USB® Micro-A or Micro-B interconnects to the latest Type-C style with the STMicroelectronics TCPP01-M12 port protector, which satisfies all protection requirements for USB-C™ connections.


At CPhI WW 2019, SGD Pharma will be launching the first application to identify non-compliances in molded glass bottles intended for the pharmaceutical industry

Resulting from a development project between SGD Pharma Quality and Marketing departments, this new digital tool makes it possible to identify non-compliances that may be discovered during an incoming inspection or during on-line inspection at client’s side. The SGD Pharma App is a testament to our commitment to continuous improvement. It also demonstrates transparency in working with customers toward the mutual objective of safeguarding patient health.

FPT Info


FPT Industrial, IVECO and NIKOLA unveiled the prototype of their first battery electric vehicle (BEV) for European markets, the NIKOLA Tre – just three months after the announcement of the partnership.

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