Camille Bauer Metrawatt AG sets a new standard for creating mains quality compliance reports, conveniently and without expensive software

A revolutionary new idea from Camille Bauer Metrawatt AG - the instrumentation specialist for power quality analysis. The function is easy to use and is called PQ EasyReporting. An innovation that allows you to generate either standard-compliant or user-specific statistical reports directly from the measurement instrument. All this can be done completely autonomously without using proprietary software which sometimes makes life complicated for both users and IT departments.


The Latty Group introduces a new range of radiation-resistant elastomer seals

Latty, a French specialist in the design and manufacture of industrial seals for harsh industrial environments and which manufactures all its products in its Brou, Eure-et-Loire factory, is announcing the release of a new EPDM elastomer seal, 80 Shores. The PMUC-certified, radiation-resistant seals are developed for nuclear applications and are qualified for accident conditions with a radiation resistance of up to 170 kGy.



Revolutionary Solution from VERLINDE to Modernize Main GLAVKINO Tv and Film Studio.


The machine tools manufacturer, Cincinnati VR, has chosen Commander ID 300 for its new range of drills

Pursuing its constant innovation approach aimed at making its machines increasingly ergonomic and automated, Cincinnati VR has chosen to equip its new pillar drill-thread cutter with a new integrated variable speed motor, the Commander ID300 from Leroy-Somer. This drive solution enables adaptation of the spindle rotation speed according to the material being worked, for a better-quality machining result.

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