Mitsubishi Electric Europe - EMEA

Factory-wide visualization streamlines utility management in the “new norm”

Mitsubishi Electric’s Nagoya Works, one of the company’s main factories developing and manufacturing industrial automation products and systems, introduced a smart visualisation solution to monitor utility data throughout the entire factory.


SME Aerospace Malaysia puts MAPAL tools to good use

The aircraft component structural supplier SME Aerospace approached MAPAL Malaysia with the request for an improved machining time for a titanium part. The latest generation of titanium tools and an improved machining strategy made it possible to achieve a time saving of over three hours per part.

Fraunhofer News

Fraunhofer Leading edge semiconductor research on 200/300 mm wafers

Located in the heart of Silicon Saxony, Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems IPMS offers both large chip manufacturers and smaller companies access to the latest research results and technologies.

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