Vaisala News

Rechargeable battery manufacturers rely on accurate humidity measurements

The climate crisis is driving demand for the electrification of transportation and energy infrastructure, which in turn is accelerating the need for more powerful and safer rechargeable batteries, including li-ion, sodium-ion, and solid-state.

Vattenfall News

Accelerating UK electrification

Grid connections and storage issues remain a bottleneck for UK electrification, finds the Environmental Audit Committee (EAC). Vattenfall's new consultancy service can help ease the issues.

Arvato News

Leleka: Arvato's Innovative In-House Robotic Solution

Arvato unveils "Leleka", an advanced robotic arm designed to automate the picking and sorting of fashion items in warehouse environments.

binder Connnector News

binder Connector Illuminate workplaces and machines

High-quality light is a decisive factor for in ensuring the precision, quality, and safety of manufacturing and inspection processes. LED lights from binder are used as machine lights or workspace lighting.

Lane Electronics News

Cinch Fibreco Junior Expanded Beam Fiber Optic Connectors

Lane Electronics now offers the popular CINCH Fibreco JUNIOR expanded beam fiber optic connectors in stock and available for online purchase.

Gossen Metrawatt News

New all-round service for measuring and test instruments

Launching the METRACHECK service package, the GMC Instruments Group has introduced a new product to create added value for its customers.

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